it's Graduation day already!! 🎓 The time that all of the seniors been waiting for, all of the hardship finally gone!! "At The end Of...
Sophomores are hard-working to get the certifications for the whole semester~ and for the freshmen they should be more diligent to study...
Teacher Party
It was the end of thanks teacher party, Hope every senior can have brilliant future, and Happy graduation ! ! !
Speech from Uniplan's Manager Li
Thankyou for Uniplan's project Manager Li, for the speech about exhibition of practical courses. We got so many useful and important...
Final General Meeting
Thanks for joining the final general meeting. I hope you have a good day, meanwhile, we will also miss all of the exchange students who...
Chateau Beach Resort Tainan Branch's manager Tseng's Speech
感謝來自墾丁夏都沙灘酒店(台南店)的曾怡儒店經理帶來的演講 👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻 Thanks for Chateau Beach Resort Tainan Branch's manager Tseng delivering a speech for us😀😀
Good News😃😃😃 06/06的服務學習我們總共捐款3889元💵 這些錢是放在系辦的存錢筒和02/25-26去春天市集擺攤的募款所得 請大家能繼續發揮愛心去系辦投零錢,幫助他人❤️❤️❤️ We donated NT$3889 in total on...
Unmaned Vehicle Forum
2017生態交通全球盛典系列活動-創新智慧交通論壇🚞 辛苦了大二大一的同學們在大熱天一起到駁二做志工服務💦💦💦 也謝謝交通局給我們這個機會能夠參加這個活動👍🏻👍🏻👍🏻 Sophomores and freshmen are hard-working...
Lerencenter [7th June]
樂仁啟智中心 感謝Michael老師帶著大二的同學去樂仁啟智中心🎉🎉 透過和那裡的人互動,不但可以讓大二的同學學到如何照顧那裡的人,還可以讓那些人交新朋友,讓他們能留下美好的回憶😊😊 Lerencenter Thank professor Michael...
艾高泰式廚房 感謝Chef 高義程教大二的同學如何做泰式料理🎉🎉🎉,不但可以讓同學學習如何做出一道好吃的泰式料理👍👍,還可以增加同學之間的互動🤝 Thai Style Restaurant Thank Chef Kao for teaching...